We face many obstacles in the Canadian education system not because we are not intelligent. In fact, Statistics Canada data shows that at least 34% of racialized Canadians have at least one university degree, compared to 20% of non-racialized Canadians. Why are our children not successful? That’s a million dollar question that requires a million dollars of answers. Unfortunately, we can not give a complete answer to this question. Racism, discrimination, lack of cultural skills, lack of hope, lack of role models and socio-economic factors are barriers to our children’s education. We have the opportunity to be engaged to participate in the educational system. This by integrating the school board of our community. Let’s be present at our children’s school. Let us show their teachers that we are interested in the education of our children and above all encourage them to study. Let’s get together to change the educational system and promote a better future for ours. Let’s talk about the ACAO educational committee.
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