Canadians of African descent need a place that symbolizes their struggle and our shared promise. We need a place that serves as a hub to bring us together to pursue programs that will advance our causes. A place that pays homage to our great ancestors whose toils and contributions have made Canada what it is today. African Canadians have and continue to contribute immensely to Canada’s forward march. An African Centre in the nation’s capital will tell our stories and boost tourism.
“We feel like we needed a place that sort of tells our story, where we came from and where we’re going,” said Hector Addison, founder of the African Center Project.
The ACAO is committed to the ultimate goal of encouraging similar cultural centers in other provinces as well.
“When this one kicks off and we have it here then we can replicate that whether it’s in smaller places, different places like Vancouver, Toronto (and) Halifax,” said Addison, adding “we are humble enough to start small and then grow later on.”
This is a project to acquire a space that will, in part, symbolize our struggles but also our promise. The space will also be partly museum and partly a business incubator hub for black own businesses and NGOs.

Hector Addison – Founder of ACP Project
Collectively we can make it happen in Canada, and ACAO is working with partners to ensure this becomes a reality
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